Monday, July 1, 2024

July 2019: Southlake Business Spotlight – Rev 19

Rev19’s mission is to transform the payments industry into a transparent, service-centric space that intuitively advances the growth of individual businesses.

For decades, the card payments industry has maintained a reputation of overcharging for the sake of higher profits at the cost of businesses.

At Rev19, their energies are expended on behalf of businesses, like yours. They realize that you need a payment processing partner who cares about your business’s growth, can support you 24/7, is willing to offer fixed wholesale rates and is racing to the front lines of technological innovation in order to adapt to our rapidly changing world.  Their goal is to help your business grow.

Learn more about Rev 19 here.

Image of two people running and a graphic of the Fit City logo
An image of a family bowling and dining