Wednesday, July 3, 2024

What’s In the Annual Development Quarterly Report?

Every year the City of Southlake’s Planning and Development Services Department develops an Annual Development Report to present along with the City’s budget. The supporting documentation in the report covers the breakdown of how different types of revenue support the city’s functions. So what does it all mean? Let’s take a look.

The Fiscal Year 2019 reporting period is from October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019.  However, before the initial report is finalized, the Planning and Development Services Department publishes an update to the Annual Report at the end of each quarter to give a snapshot of city updates on development-related activities and the fees collected from those projects.

The data that goes into the report is gathered and put together throughout the year by multiple departments and divisions within the City. When the full report is published, it will mirror information highlighted with the City’s Fiscal Year 2019 Adopted Budget.

The reports consist of six main sections: Southlake At-A-Glance, Economic Overview, Understanding Development, Development Highlights, Valuation and Revenue.

When finalized, each section comes complete with graphs, charts and descriptions to provide supporting documentation for the data within the report.

Below is an overview of what each section includes:

Southlake At-A-Glance – In this section, residents and visitors can get a glimpse of Southlake’s public profile by reviewing the demographics for the population, graduation rate, sales tax rate and information about Carroll Independent School District (CISD).

Economic Overview – This section displays data pertaining to the real estate market, labor pool age, office and retail space overview, and other information that helps determine the state of the economy.

Understanding Development – This section shows a step-by-step overview of our development process and how to conduct development business in Southlake. It also displays an overview of our 2035 Comprehensive Plan, which includes master plan elements that provide a vision for Southlake’s future.

Development Highlights – This section includes the numbers of permits issued and the value of those permits from residential and commercial to sign and pool permits.

Valuation and Revenue – This section displays the amount of permit fees for each quarter.

These quarterly updates help city staff track land development and economic development-related numbers so that they can be included in the annual report. The FY 2019 Annual Development Report will be available on our website in January 2020.

To view the quarterly report, please visit our website.

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An image of a family bowling and dining