Monday, July 1, 2024

Stage 1 Watering Restrictions Suspended

The City of Southlake will suspend twice a week watering restrictions effective Friday, May 4, 2012.  The decision comes after the Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) announced the end to drought conditions and water supply lake levels at 97%.

“Although the restrictions have eased, we strongly encourage residents and businesses to conserve this precious resource,” said Bob Price, Public Works Director.  “Remember, it is only the beginning of May, and we have already seen temperatures in the 90s.  We could go back into twice a week watering requirements if the lake levels drop to 75% or if the water situation in Southlake demands it.”

In Southlake, Stage 1 restrictions went into effect in late July of 2011.  The restrictions were necessary because levels in the City’s three elevated storage tanks fell below the minimum standards for fire protection throughout the city.   Other TRWD customers followed suit a month later when lake levels fell below 75%.

In a release, Fort Worth Water Department spokesperson Mary Gugliuzza said, “It is not a matter of if but when we return to Stage 1. It may be one year it may be four years. While we cannot control the amount of rainfall in our watershed, we can control how much we use and how much we stretch our supplies.  Remember irrigation should only be done to supplement rainfall, and lawns don’t need more than one inch of water every week to two weeks at this time of year.”

Price added,  “I hope that everyone will understand that should the City of Fort Worth move back into watering restrictions this summer, we will have to follow their lead.”

Although the twice a week watering restrictions are lifted, watering during the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. is still prohibited per the City’s code.  For more information about the City’s water conservation ordinance (No.895b) or about drought contingencies, please visit Follow the link to view the City of Fort Worth’s press release.

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An image of a family bowling and dining